Plot[1-3s^2+(1+s^2)Cosh[s],{s,0,Pi},Frame->True] SeriesCoefficient[1-3s^2+(1+s^2)Cosh[s],{s,0,n}] Normal[Series[1-3s^2+(1+s^2)Cosh[s],{s,0,5}]] Minimize[2-(3s^2)/2+(13s^4)/24,s] Solve[D[2-(3s^2)/2+(13s^4)/24,s]==0,s]
Since the coefficient in the n-th order of the taylor series of 1-3s^2+(1 + s^2)Cosh[s] is positive for every even term and is
zero for every odd term for all n>=3, it is obvious to see that 1-3s^2+(1+s^2)Cosh[s]>2-(3s^2)/2+(13s^4)/24>25/26, which implies that 1-3s^2+(1+s^2)Cosh[s]>0. This completes the proof.
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