mylistplot[data_, xrange_, yrange_, pointsize_, colormap_, imagesize_] := Module[{colors, styledData}, colors = ColorData[colormap] /@ Rescale[data[[All, 2]], yrange]; styledData = Style[#, colors[[#2]]] & @@@ Transpose[{data, Range[Length[data]]}]; ListPlot[ styledData, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotStyle -> PointSize[pointsize], PlotRange -> {xrange, yrange}, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> imagesize*GoldenRatio, PlotLegends -> Placed[ BarLegend[{colormap, yrange}, LegendMarkerSize -> imagesize, LegendMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}],Right ] ] ] mylistplot[iris, {2, 4}, {0, 2.5}, 0.015, "TemperatureMap", 225]
ListPlot with Colormap
由 戴忠淵 於 2017年6月30日星期五
下午8:26 發表
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